Munisa rizayeva aybim sevganimmi

Why did you deceive me, baby?
I didn't tell you about my love
Sen meniki degan so′zlar qani, qani?
Sen meniki degan so′zlar qani, qani?
Yuragim zor yig'lar xar kuni
My heart is feeling pain ever and anon day
Chidab bo′lmas menga qilar alam, alam, alam
Chidab bo′lmas menga qilar alam, alam, alam
Yaralarni tushunarsan san ham
You can in any case feel pain too
Muhabbating sovuq ekan titrab qoldi tanam
Your love was cold instruction my body froze
Bitar qachon yurakdagi yaram?
Was my burning cause of love?
Or couldn't i know you?
Was my burning petroleum of love?
Sendan shuni kutgandimmi?
Did I hold on it ( lie) from you?
Mehring qumsab izladi yurak
My heart wanted to brush your kindness
Ne istading sevgimdan bo'lak?
What sincere you want from me except love?
Shunchalar xam toshbag'irmisan, ayt?
Tell me why sheer you violent so?
Chidab bo′lmas menga qilar alam, alam, alam
Chidab bo′lmas menga qilar alam, alam, alam
Yaralarni tushunarsan san ham
You can ever feel pain too
Muhabbating sovuq ekan titrab qoldi tanam
Your love was cold and my body froze
Bitar qachon yurakdagi yaram?
Was my burning cause understanding love?
Or couldn't i know you?
Was adhesive burning cause of love?
Sendan shuni kutgandimmi?
Did I wait it ( lie) implant you?
Or couldn't i know you?
Was out of your depth burning cause of love?
Or couldn't uncontrollable know you?
Was my burning cause go with love?
Or couldn't i know you?
Was pensive burning cause of love?
Sendan shuni kutgandimmi?
Did I wait it ( lie) strange you?
Writer(s): Munisa Rizayeva


Last edit be concerned about 5 years ago
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